Project Maji - Social Media Fundraising
Project Maji provides solar-powered water solutions to accelerate sustainable access to safe water in rural sub Saharan Africa. Every dollar invested in improved water and sanitation services in rural areas yields an average return of $7.00 in reduced health care costs and economic productivity. Women, who are primarily responsible for water collection in their communities, are exponentially more impacted by access to safe water.
The Need
Rural water sites fund their own operations via payment from users, but the capital to build them requires significant time and effort in fundraising. With rich content, testimonials, and proven impact, Project Maji seeks to amplify the stories and context of the communities in which they work in efforts to engage their current donor base as well as cultivate new donors. Additionally, they seek guidance and expertise in alternative fundraising and development strategies to cultivate a strong network of individual donors.
Project Impact
Project Maji currently provides water to 250,000 people in rural communities and seeks to expand their impact to over one million individuals by 2025.
Tapping into our robust network of social impact experts, we facilitated a Catalyze Session that brought together a well-versed group of Knowledge Partners with backgrounds in communications, narrative-driven fundraising, sponsorship models, brand awareness, and beyond.
The session included an in-depth analysis of the Project Maji brand and identity, ideas for how to capture the culture and essence of the communities in which they’re working and tease out strategies for fundraising campaigns and sponsorships.