Global Commons Alliance Accountability Accelerator
The Global Commons Alliance Accountability Accelerator is working on strengthening the accountability architecture for nature related action of the corporate sector. GCAA achieves this by supporting organizations globally working to incentivize, enable and hold corporations accountable for setting science-based targets and delivering on their nature-related commitments.
The Need
In order to build a strong accountability infrastructure with a broad range of organization, GCAA needs to compel foundations already supporting them to lift restrictions to allocate funds solely to nature-related projects as well as navigate new funding options.
Project Impact
As a new accelerator with ambitious goals, the Accountability Accelerator seeks to impact 100,000,000 people over the next 5 years. To help them achieve these goals, KIN hosted a Catalyze Session that brought together five Knowledge Partners with GCAA leadership to tackle their questions about unlocking funding options. With backgrounds in marketing, environmental technology, communications, grantmaking, and beyond, this hand-selected group of experts provided a variety of nuanced perspectives as the group discussed donor advised funds, strategies for coalition building, and suggestions for highlighting the Acclerator’s value proposition when approaching corporations for funding. At the end of the session, Knowledge Partners pledged ongoing involvement ranging from making connections with funders, to navigating granting opportunities, to assisting with fine-tuning their pitch.